Ivey Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Ivey Genealogy & History

Ivey is an English name with several possible origins. It could be derived from the personal name Ive, the Norman personal name Ivo, or the place name Ivoy. The Norman names are ultimately derived from the word ifar or ivoie, which means a long bow made from a yew tree. Ivey family history is first recorded with one Geoffrey de Iuoi (an alternate spelling), who lived in Oxfordshire in 1161; early Iveys were also found in Wiltshire. Ivey genealogy includes Jean Eichelberger Ivey, a prolific and diverse American composer, and Donald Ivey, a pioneer of making physics accessible to laymen.

Ivey Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Ivey-- --, 1915March 23,2002GA
Balum Ivey-- --, 1894December ,1974FL
C Flavey Ivey-- --, 1915July ,1986AL
D Hazel Ivey-- --, 1928July 25,2008NC

Ivey Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Thomas Ivey-- --, 1924December 20,1994Ventura,CA
F Dale Ivey-- --, 1933November 16,2009Cincinnati,OH
Gail Ivey-- --, 1957April 15,2008Detroit,MI
H Joan Ivey-- --, 1930January 18,2000Largo,FL

Ivey Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Alan IveyPatricia PooleAugust 6,1983Wake, NC
Bernard IveyWilhelmina BirdsallDecember 23,1947Wake, NC
Charles IveyLillie BakerDecember 18,1948Wake, NC
David IveyEdna BarkerJune 13,1942Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Ivey

1392nd: Butts1393rd: Aldridge
1394th: Thomason1395th: Sewell
1396th: Marcus1397th: Coyle
1398th: Vickers1399th: Bergeron
1400th: Houser1401st: Crowder

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