Sloan Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Sloan Genealogy & History
Sloan genealogy typically runs through Northern Ireland or Scotland, specifically the Scottish-English borderlands. It is an anglicized version of the Gaelic personal name "Sluaghadhan", which referred to the leader of an armed raid or expedition. Modern and historical alternate spellings include Sloane, Slowan, and Sloyan. The earliest bearer of the name in the written history is Maelpatrick O'Sluaghdhaigh in Ireland in the early eleventh century. There are four cities called Sloan in the United States. Sloan family history includes long-tenured chairman and president of General Motors Alfred P. Sloan, as well as Irish visual artist Victor Sloan.
Sloan Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Watt Sloan | -- --, 1920 | May ,1990 | NC |
Babe Sloan | -- --, 1895 | January ,1980 | CO |
C Donald Sloan | -- --, 1925 | October 6,1989 | NY |
Dailey Sloan | -- --, 1903 | December 31,1997 | VA |
Sloan Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
Eaphram Sloan | -- --, 1915 | October 3,2002 | Blountsville,AL |
F Eleanor Sloan | -- --, 1909 | January 23,1997 | Patoka,IN |
G Douglas Sloan | -- --, 1917 | January 4,1995 | El Paso,TX |
Haden Sloan | -- --, 1866 | February ,1968 | Anna,IL |
Sloan Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Allen Sloan | Ella Rawls | September 8,2007 | Wake, NC |
Bruce Sloan | Gayle Rushing | November 1,1980 | Wake, NC |
Carey Sloan | Barbara Edgerton | March 24,1972 | Wake, NC |
Ernest Sloan | Charlotte Sanders | September 2,1952 | Wake, NC |
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